Public information activities of the United Nations

1558. Public information activities of the United Nations

The General Assembly, Noting with appreciation the Secretary-General's report of 25 August 1960 on public information activities of the United Nations,[1] Recalling its resolutions 1086 (XI) of 21 December 1956, 1335 (XIII) of 13 December 1958 and 1405 (XIV) of 1 December 1959 relating to the establishment of information centres and setting out the basic policy measures to be followed in the field of public information activities, Noting further the progress achieved in the implementation of the above-mentioned resolutions, Having regard to the increased membership of the African States in the United Nations, Welcoming the Secretary-General's announcement of the intention to open during 1961 eight new information centres: one in Latin America, one in eastern Europe, one in Asia and five in Africa, Noting that for the years 1960 and 1961 the Secretary-General has planned the public information programmes at an expenditure level of about $5 million net for each year, Emphasizing the importance of the dissemination of information on the United Nations objectives and activities in those regions where mass information media are less developed, particularly in the Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories, Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Consultative Panel on Public information and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, as appropriate:

(a) To give high priority to the opening of information centres or arranging for adequate information facilities in the less-developed areas, particularly in the newly independent countries and Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories, by effecting economies in other directions;

(b) To intensify his efforts to achieve a more effective regional representation at the policy-making level of the Office of Public Information;

(c) To report to the General Assembly at its sixteenth session on the progress made in implementing the present resolution.

954th plenary meeting,
18 December 1960.

[1] Ibid., agenda item 59, document A/4429.

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