Question of an increase in the membership of the Security Council and of the Economic and Social Council

1404. Question of an increase in the membership of the Security Council and of the Economic and Social Council

The General Assembly, Realizing that many delegations have expressed the opinion that, in view of the considerable increase in the membership of the United Nations in recent years, there should be an increase in the membership of the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council which would make it possible to improve the present distribution of seats in those organs, Recalling its resolution 1300 (XIII) of 10 December 1958, in which it recognized that, in view of the increase in the membership of the United Nations since its establishment, an increase in the membership of the Economic and Social Council is desirable, Noting that an increase in the membership of those organs would necessitate the amendment of certain provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, Expressing the hope that the strong desire manifested by a large number of Member States will help to bring about such amendment at the earliest opportunity, Considering that, in order to solve this problem, further efforts must be made with a view to obtaining the agreement of the greatest possible number of Member States,

1. Decides that items relating to an increase in the membership of the Security Council and of the Economic and Social Council shall be placed on the provisional agenda of its fifteenth session;

2. Declares that, if progress is not made during the fifteenth session of the General Assembly towards the achievement of an increase in the membership of the Security Council and of the Economic and Social Council, the Assembly should set up at that session a committee to study the possibilities of arriving at an agreement which will facilitate the amendment of the Charter to achieve the increase in membership referred to above.

843rd plenary meeting,
25 November 1959.

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