Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance

1383. Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance


The General Assembly, Taking note of chapter III, section XII, of the report of the Economic and Social Council,[1] Recalling General Assembly resolution 1255 A (XIII) of 14 November 1958 and Economic and Social Council resolutions 222 (IX) of 14 and 15 August 1949, 542 B II (XVIII) of 29 July 1954, 734 (XXVIII), 735 (XXVIII), 736 (XXVIII) and 737 (XXVIII) of 30 July 1959, Bearing in mind that the year 1959 marks the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance, Believing that the Expanded Programme has an important and urgent role to play in the United Nations efforts for the economic and social development of under-developed countries, Noting with satisfaction the results achieved by the Expanded Programme during its first ten years, Noting that, in order to ensure more ample and effective results in the future, it would be desirable to obtain larger contributions from the participating countries, Believing that industrialization and agricultural development are among the most important aims of the under-developed countries, and that countries in this process of development need increasing technical assistance, Noting with appreciation that, at the United Nations Pledging Conference on the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance and the Special Fund on 8 October 1959, a number of countries expressed their intention of increasing their contributions for 1960, Regretting however that the resources at present envisaged for 1960 are not sufficient even to maintain the present level of operations,

1. Commends the Executive Chairman and the members of the Technical Assistance Board for the effective manner in which the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance is being executed;

2. Takes note of the appraisal made by the Economic and Social Council and its Technical Assistance Committee, together with the Technical Assistance Board and the participating organizations, of administrative arrangements which have the purpose of achieving increased efficiency in the operations of the Expanded Programme;

3. Notes also the decision taken by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 735 (XXVIII) to provide greater flexibility and longer range planning in country programming procedures;

4. Affirms the desirability of continuing to endeavour to make the fullest possible use of all available contributions consistent with the existing principles and procedures of the Expanded Programme;

5. Expresses the hope that Governments will, in accordance with their financial possibilities, continue to support the Expanded Programme and so contribute to the Programme that increasing resources will be available:

(a) For undertaking and executing on a sustained basis the tasks laid upon the Programme;

(b) For devoting urgent attention to the compelling needs of newly independent countries and countries in a similar economic and social condition without prejudice to the possibility of further assistance to other under-developed countries.

841st plenary meeting,
20 November 1959.


The General Assembly, Noting that the technical assistance programmes of the United Nations after ten years of operation have become, thanks to the constantly increasing number of countries actively participating in their execution, programmes of international technical co-operation,

1. Considers that, in the present circumstances, the term "technical co-operation" would more accurately describe the nature of the assistance provided by the United Nations and the specialized agencies under the technical assistance programmes;

2. Expresses the wish that the term "technical assistance" may be replaced by the term "technical co-operation" to designate both the United Nations regular programme of technical assistance and the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance, and requests the Economic and Social Council to consider the possibility of such a change and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its fifteenth session.

841st plenary meeting,
20 November 1959.

[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Fourteenth Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/4143).

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