Agrarian reform
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
5 December 1959
1426. Agrarian reform
(a) To improve land distribution, the combination of the factors of production, the mobility of labour and the technical skills of the rural population, thus raising the level of agricultural productivity,
(b) To secure a more satisfactory distribution of agricultural income and to raise levels of consumption and saving among rural inhabitants,
(c) To create and extend the domestic market for various industrial and agricultural products,
(d) To achieve the conditions necessary for industrial development, the diversification of agriculture and the balanced integration of industry with agriculture,
Noting that certain countries are at present carrying out different programmes of agrarian reform tending towards the achievement of the above-mentioned objectives, Recalling also paragraph 3 of Economic and Social Council resolution 712 (XXVII), which requests the Secretary-General to prepare the report on the progress of land reform for the Council in 1962 along the lines of the prospectus contained in paragraph 57 of the report submitted at the twenty-seventh session,[1] taking into consideration the sources of information listed in paragraphs 59 and 60 of the report and the views which Members may express in the Council and the General Assembly,1. Declares that it will continue to support the programmes of agrarian reform which Member States are carrying out in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and the resolutions of the General Assembly and of the Economic and Social Council;
2. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the regional economic commissions, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the other organs and agencies of the United Nations, as well as with the Governments of Member States:
(a) To consider the best ways in which the United Nations can continue to give increasingly effective support to the land reform programmes put into operation by its Members;
(b) To report to the Economic and Social Council in 1962 on possible improvements in such support, including relevant comments and analyses, and requests the Council in turn to report to the General Assembly at its seventeenth session;
3. Recommends that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development give renewed attention to these programmes, in conformity with paragraph 4 of General Assembly resolution 826 (IX);
4. Draws the attention of Member States to the possibility of requesting technical assistance in carrying out their agrarian reform programmes, and reiterates the hope that, in accordance with paragraph 5 of resolution 826 (IX), high priority will be given to requests for United Nations technical assistance for the purpose of studying or carrying out land reform programmes;
5. Expresses the hope that the Special Fund, together with any new organs which may be set up by the United Nations or any of its agencies, will, in the spirit of the present resolution and of earlier resolutions on the same subject, give as much assistance as possible, on the most favourable terms compatible with their resources, to projects connected with the execution of agrarian reform programmes by countries members of such organizations;
6. Further requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Governments of Member States and the above-mentioned organizations, to examine the results of the land reform programmes in the underdeveloped countries in the light of the reports submitted by Member States, and the effects which the programmes have had on the economic development of those countries, and to report to the Economic and Social Council in 1962 and to the General Assembly at its seventeenth session, along the lines of the prospectus referred to in Council resolution 712 (XXVII), formulating appropriate recommendations and observations.
846th plenary meeting,5 December 1959.
[1] Ibid., Twenty-seventh Session, Annexes, agenda item 5, document E/3208.
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