Questions considered by the Security Council at its 838th meeting on 7 August 1958

1237 Questions considered by the Security Council at its 838th meeting on 7 August 1958

The General Assembly, Having considered the item entitled "Questions considered by the Security Council at its 838th meeting on 7 August 1958", Noting the Charter aim that States should practise tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, Noting that the Arab States have agreed, in the Pact of the League of Arab States, to strengthen the close relations and numerous ties which link the Arab States, and to support and stabilize these ties upon a basis of respect for the independence and sovereignty of these States, and to direct their efforts toward the common good of all the Arab countries, the improvement of their status, the security of their future and the realization of their aspirations and hopes, Desiring to relive international tension,


1. Welcomes the renewed assurances given by the Arab States to observe the provision of article 8 of the Pact of the League of Arab States that each member State shall respect the systems of government established in the other member States and regard them as exclusive concerns of these States, and that each shall pledge to abstain from any action calculated to change established systems of governments;

2. Calls upon all States Members of the United Nations to act strictly in accordance with the principles of mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty, of non-aggression, of strict non-interference in each other's internal affairs, and of equal and mutual benefit, and to ensure that their conduct by word and deed conforms of these principles;


Requests the Secretary-General to make forthwith, in consultation with the Governments concerned and in accordance with the Charter, and having in mind section I of this resolution, such practical arrangements as would adequately help in upholding the purposes and principles of the Charger in relation to Lebanon and Jordan in the present circumstances, and thereby facilitate the early withdrawal of the foreign troops from the two countries;


Invites the Secretary-General to continue his studies now under way and in this context to consult as appropriate with the Arab countries of the Near East with a view to possible assistance regarding an Arab development institution designed to further economic growth in these countries;


1. Requests Member States to co-operate fully in carrying out this resolution;

2. Invites the Secretary-General to report hereunder, as appropriate, the first such report to be made not later than 30 September 1958.

746th plenary meeting,
21 August 1958.

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