Cost estimates for the maintenance of the United Nations Emergency Force

1337. Cost estimates for the maintenance of the United Nations Emergency Force

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 1151, (XII) of 22 November 1957 and 1204 (XII) of 13 December 1957 concerning the financing of the United Nations Emergency Force beyond 31 December 1957, Recalling also its resolution 1263 (XIII) of 14 November 1958 requesting the Fifth Committee to recommend such action as may be necessary to finance the continuing operation of the Force, Having examined the budget estimates for the Force submitted by the Secretary-General for the year 1958[1] and for the year 1959,[2] Having considered the observations and recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the estimates for the Force for 1958 in its second report to the thirteenth session of the General Assembly,[3] and on the estimates for 1959 in its twenty-fifth report to the thirteenth session of the General Assembly,[4]

1. Confirms its authorization to the Secretary-General to expend up to a maximum of $25 million for the operation of the United Nations Emergency Force during 1958;

2. Authorizes the Secretary-General to expend up to a maximum of $19 million for the continuing operation of the Force during 1959;

3. Approves the observations and recommendations contained in the second and twenty-fifth reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions to the thirteenth session of the General Assembly;

4. Decides that the expenses authorized in paragraph 2 above, less any amounts pledged or contributed by Governments of Member States as special assistance prior to 31 December 1958, shall be borne by the Members of the United Nations in accordance with the scale of assessments adopted by the General Assembly for the financial year 1959;[5]

5. Requests the Secretary-General to consult with the Governments of Member States with respect to their views concerning the manner of financing the Force in the future, and to submit a report together with the replies to the General Assembly at its fourteenth session.

790th plenary meeting,
13 December 1958.

[1]1 Ibid., Thirteenth Session, Supplement No. 5A (A/3823). [2] Ibid., Thirteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 65, document A/3984. [3] Ibid., document A/3839. [4] Ibid., document A/4002. [5] See resolution 1308 (XIII).

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