The future of Togoland under French administration

1253. The future of Togoland under French administration

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 1182 (XII) of 29 November 1957, Taking note of the report of the United Nations Commissioner for the Supervision of the Elections in the Trust Territory of Togoland under French Administration[1] on the organization, conduct and results of the elections which took place on 27 April 1958 in the Territory, Taking note of Trusteeship Council resolution 1921 (S-VIII) of 17 October 1958, Taking note of the statements made by the representative of France and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Togoland during the thirteenth session of the General Assembly,[2] Noting further the resolution adopted by the Chamber of Deputies of the Republic of Togoland on 23 October 1958,[3]

1. Notes that the Governments of France and of the Republic of Togoland shall attain independence in 1960, in accordance with the wishes of the Chamber of Deputies of Togoland;

2. Expresses its high appreciation of the work of the United Nations Commissioner and his staff;

3. Congratulates France and the authorities and people of Togoland on their achievements in Togoland, which enable the basic objectives of the International Trusteeship System to be attained;

4. Resolves accordingly, in agreement with the Administering Authority, that on the day which will be agreed upon between the Government of France and the Government of Togoland, and on which the Republic of Togoland becomes independent in 1960, the Trusteeship Agreement approved by the General Assembly on 13 December 1946 shall cease to be in force, in accordance with Article 76 b of the Charter of the United Nations.

780th plenary meeting,
14 November 1958.

[1] Ibid., Thirteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 40, document A/3957. [2] See Official Records of the General Assembly, thirteenth Session, Fourth Committee, 782nd meeting. [3]3 Official records of the General Assembly, Thirteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 40, document A/C.4/382.

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