Membership of the Technical Assistance Committee

1036. Membership of the Technical Assistance Committee

The General Assembly, Noting that the number of Governments making voluntary contributions to the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance has increased steadily since 1950, reaching a total of seventy-seven in 1956, including the governments of several States non-members of the United Nations, Realizing that certain countries which play an active part in the Expanded Programme, either as contributors or as recipients or both, are not represented on the Economic and Social Council, Recommends that:

1. The Economic and Social Council, as an interim measure, take at its twenty-third session the necessary steps to expand the present membership of the Technical Assistance Committee, as from 1 June 1957, so as to consist of the members of the Economic and Social Council, together with an additional six members to be elected for two-year terms by the Council from among the States Members of the United Nations or members of the specialized agencies, having due regard so far as these additional six members are concerned: to geographical distribution and to the representation of contributing and recipient countries having an important interest in the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance;

2. The initial elections of these additional members be so arranged as to avoid having their terms of office expire simultaneously;

3. In the event that the Economic and Social Council is enlarged, the Council review the size and composition of the Technical Assistance Committee in the light of that development.

661st plenary meeting,
26 February 1957.

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