Question of defining aggression

1181. Question of defining aggression

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 599 (VI) of 31 January 1952, 688 (VII) of 20 December 1952 and 895 (IX) of 4 December 1954, all referring to a definition of aggression, Considering that, in spite of the progress made in the study of the question, the discussion at the present session shows the need for the elucidation of other aspects of a definition of aggression, Considering that the report presented by the 1956 Special Committee on the Question of Defining Aggression[1] is an important study based on the views expressed by States Members of the United Nations up to the date of the preparation of the report, Considering that twenty-two additional States have recently joined the Organization and that it would be useful to know their views on the matter, Resolves:

1. To take note of the report of the 1956 Special Committee on the Question of Defining Aggression and to express appreciation for the valuable work done;

2. To ask the Secretary-General to request the views of the new Member States on the question, and to renew the request to Member States to submit comments as provided in General Assembly resolution 688 (VII) of 20 December 1952, furnishing them with the documentation produced after the adoption of that resolution;

3. To ask the Secretary-General to refer the replies of Member States to a committee composed of the Member States whose representatives have served on the General Committee at the most recent regular session of the General Assembly, which committee shall study the replies for the purpose of determining when it shall be appropriate for the General Assembly to consider again the question of defining aggression, and shall report to the Secretary-General when it has determined that the time is appropriate, setting forth the considerations which led to its decision;

4. To request the Secretary-General to place the question of defining aggression on the provisional agenda of the General Assembly, not earlier than at its fourteenth session, when the committee has advised him that it considers the time appropriate;

5. To request the Secretary-General to convene the first meeting of the committee prior to the fourteenth session of the General Assembly.

724th plenary meeting,
29 November 1957.

[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twelfth Session, Supplement No. 16 (A/3574).

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