Prolongation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

1165. Prolongation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The General Assembly, Having taken note of the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,[1] Having regard to its resolution 727 (VIII) of 23 October 1953 in which it decided to review, not later than at its twelfth session, the arrangements for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees with a view to determining whether the Office should be continued beyond 31 December 1958, Considering the continuing need for international action on behalf of refugees, Considering the valuable work which has been performed by the Office of the High Commissioner both in providing international protection for refugees and in promoting permanent solutions for their problems, Noting with appreciation the effective manner in which the Office of the High Commissioner has been dealing with special emergencies, Noting the recommendation adopted by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 650 B (XXIV) of 24 July 1957,

1. Decides to continue the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for a period of five years from 1 January 1959 on the basis of the Statute of the Office;[2]

2. Decides that the election of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, for a period of five years from 1 January 1959, shall take place at the thirteenth session of the General Assembly;

3. Decides to review, not later than at its seventeenth session, the arrangements for the Office of the High Commissioner with a view to determining whether the Office should be further continued beyond 31 December 1936.

723rd plenary meeting,
26 November 1957.

[1] Ibid., Supplement No. 11 (A/3585/Rev.1). [2] Ibid., Fifth Session, Supplement No. 20, resolution 428 (V), annex.

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