Scholarships for students from Non-Self-Governing Territories under General Assembly resolution 845 (IX)
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
26 November 1957
1154. Scholarships for students from Non-Self-Governing Territories under General Assembly resolution 845 (IX)
1. Requests Members submitting their observations on the qualifications of the candidates, in accordance with paragraph 5 of General Assembly resolution 845 (IX) of 22 November 1954, and Members which offer facilities, to consider the applications with all possible speed;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to give such assistance as is possible and as may be sought by the Members concerned and by the applicants;
3. Invites the offering States to inform the Secretary-General of the use made of the scholarships offered by them;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to include in his annual reports to the General Assembly, prepared in accordance with resolution 931 (X) of 8 November 1955, information on the action taken as a result of the present resolution.
722nd plenary meeting,26 November 1957.
[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twelfth Session, Annexes, agenda item 35, documents A/3618 and Add.1.
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