Educational conditions in Non-Self-Governing Territories

1048. Educational conditions in Non-Self-Governing Territories

The General Assembly, Considering that, by resolution 445 (V) of 12 December 1950, it approved the special report[1] drawn up in 1950 as a brief but considered indication of the importance of educational advancement and of the problems of education still to be faced in the Non-Self-Governing Territories, Considering that, by resolution 743 (VIII) of 27 November 1953, it approved a further report on education[2] as a supplement to the report approved in 1950, Noting the report[3] prepared in 1956 by the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories on educational conditions in these Territories,

1. Approves this new report on education in the Non-Self-Governing Territories and considers that it should be studied in conjunction with the reports approved in 1950 and 1953;

2. Invites the Secretary-General to communicate the 1956 report on education in Non-Self-Governing Territories to the Members of the United Nations responsible for the administration of Non-Self-Governing Territories, to the Economic and Social Council, to the Trusteeship Council and to the specialized agencies concerned for their consideration;

3. Requests the Members responsible for the administration of Non-Self-Governing Territories to bring the report to the attention of the authorities responsible for education in those Territories.

657th plenary meeting,
20 February 1957.

[1]1 Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/1303/Rev.1), part two. [2] Ibid., Eighth Session, Supplement No. 15 (A/2465), part two. [3] Ibid., Eleventh Session, Supplement No. 15 (A/3127), part two.

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