International assistance to refugees within the mandate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
26 November 1957
1166. International assistance to refugees within the mandate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
1. Approves the recommendations contained in Economic and Social Council resolution 650 (XXIV) of 24 July 1957, and accordingly:
(a) Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intensify the United Nations Refugee Fund programme to the fullest extent possible in order to achieve permanent solutions for the maximum number of refugees remaining in camps, without losing sight of the need to continue to seek solutions for the problems of refugees outside camps;
(b) Authorizes the High Commissioner to appeal to States Members of the United Nations or members of the specialized agencies for the purpose of raising the additional funds needed for closing the refugee camps;
2. Reaffirms the basic principle laid down in paragraph 1 of the Statute of the High Commissioner's Office regarding forms of permanent solution of the problems of refugees, by actions designed to "facilitate the voluntary repatriation of such refugees, or their assimilation within new national communities";
3. Decides that the operations under the United Nations Refugee Fund shall not be continued after 31 December 1958 except as provided for in paragraph 4 below;
4. Requests the High Commissioner to supervise the orderly completion of projects financed from the United Nations Refugee Fund which were started but not completed before 31 December 1958, and to carry out the liquidation of the Fund in accordance with paragraph 5 (a) below;
5. Requests the Economic and Social Council to establish, not later than at its twenty-sixth session, an Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme to consist of representatives of from twenty to twenty-five States Members of the United Nations or members of any of the specialized agencies, to be elected by the Council on the widest possible geographical basis from those States with a demonstrated interest in, and devotion to, the solution of the refugee problem, this Committee to take the place of the UNREF Executive Committee and to be entrusted with the terms of reference set forth below:
(a) To give directives the High Commissioner for the liquidation of the United Nations Refugee Fund;
(b) To advise the High Commissioner, at his request, in the exercise of his functions under the Statute of his Office;
(c) To advise the High Commissioner as to whether it is appropriate for international assistance to be provided through his Office in order to help solve specific refugee problems remaining unsolved after 31 December 1958 or arising after that date;
(d) To authorize the High Commissioner to make appeals for funds to enable him to solve the refugee problems referred to in sub-paragraph (c) above;
(e) To approve projects for assistance to refugees coming within the scope of sub-paragraph (c) above;
(f) To give directives to the High Commissioner for the use of the emergency fund to be established under the terms of paragraph 7 below;
6. Authorizes the High Commissioner, under conditions approved by the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme, to make appeals for the funds needed to provide supplemental temporary care and maintenance to, and participate in the financing of permanent solutions for, refugees coming within his mandate and otherwise not provided for;
7. Further authorizes the High Commissioner to establish an emergency fund not to exceed $500,000 to be utilized under general directives of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme, and to maintain this fund from the repayments of the principal and interest of loans made by the United Nations Refugee Fund and from voluntary contributions made for this purpose;
8. Decides that appropriate financial rules for the use of all funds received by the High Commissioner under the terms of the present resolution shall be established, in consultation with the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme, and in accordance with the Statute of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Financial Regulations of the United Nations;
9. Requests the UNREF Executive Committee to exercise in 1958 such functions incumbent upon the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme in conformity with paragraph 5 above as it deems necessary, with a view to assuring the continuity of international assistance to refugees falling within the scope of paragraph 5 (c) above;
10. Requests the High Commissioner to include in his annual report a statement on the measures which he has taken under the terms of the present resolution.
723rd plenary meeting,26 November 1957.
[1] Ibid., Fifth Session, Supplement No. 20, resolution 428 (V), annex.
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