Petition from Ukuanyama Tribal Congress concerning the Territory of South West Africa

1058. Petition from Ukuanyama Tribal Congress concerning the Territory of South West Africa

The General Assembly, Having accepted the advisory opinion[1] of 11 July 1950 of the International Court of Justice on the question of South West Africa, Having authorized the Committee on South West Africa, by resolution 749 A (VIII) of 28 November 1953, to examine petitions in accordance with the Mandates procedure of the League of Nations, Having received a report from the Committee on South West Africa dealing with a petition dated 14 January 1956 from the Ukuanyama Tribal Congress, Ovamboland,[2] Noting that the petitioners allege that, while the Reverend T. H. Hamtumbangela was petitioning on their behalf to the United Nations, the Minister of Native Affairs of the Union of South Africa ordered his removal from Ovamboland, and that headmen and sub-headmen who supported the Reverend Hamtumbangela were to be deposed, Noting that the petitioners request that the case of the Reverend Hamtumbangela be brought before the International Court of Justice for its compulsory jurisdiction, Noting further that the petitioners raise questions on which the General Assembly, in resolution 937 (X) of 3 December 1955 concerning a petition and a related communication from the Reverend Hamtumbangela, has already taken action,

1. Decides to inform the petitioners that it has at present insufficient information upon which to take any action with respect to their complaints concerning the alleged order for the removal of the Reverend T. H. Hamtumbangela from Ovamboland and the deposing of headmen and sub-headmen who supported him;

2. Decides to transmit to the petitioners resolution 937 (X) of 3 December 1955, and the reports of the Committee on South West Africa[3] submitted to the General Assembly at its tenth and eleventh sessions containing the observations and recommendations of the Committee regarding other questions raised by the petitioners;

3. Decides to draw the attention of the petitioners, in particular, to the observations and recommendations of the Committee on South West Africa concerning the transfer of "Native" administration to the Minister of Native Affairs of the Union of South Africa and concerning the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of the Territory of South West Africa.

661st plenary meeting,
26 February 1957.

[1]1 International status of South-West Africa, Advisory Opinion: I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 128. [2] Ibid., chapter V, section B, and annex IX. [3]3 Ibid., Tenth Session, Supplement No. 12 (A/2913), and ibid., Eleventh Session, Supplement No. 12 (A/3151 and Corr.1).

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