Report of the Agent General of the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency

1159. Report of the Agent General of the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 410 (V) of 1 December 1950, 701 (VII) of 11 March 1953, 725 (VIII) of 7 December 1953, 828 (IX) of 14 December 1954, 920 (X) of 25 October 1955 and 1020 (XI) of 7 December 1956, Taking note of:

(a) The report of the Agent General of the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency on the work of the Agency for the period 1 July 1956 to 30 June 1957,[1] and of the comments thereon by the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea,[2]

(b) The addendum to the Agent General's report, dated 31 October 1957,[3]

(c) The memorandum of the Agent General to the Advisory Committee of the Agency, dated 13 November 1957,[4]

Recognizing the especial importance of the Agency's programme for the relief and rehabilitation of the Republic of Korea,

1. Commends the Agent General of the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency for the excellent work performed by the Agency in pursuing its mission of assisting the Korean people to relieve the sufferings and to repair the devastation caused by aggression;

2. Expresses its conviction that the work of the Agency will have long-lasting and significant effects upon the economy of Korea and upon the well-being of the Korean people;

3. Expresses its appreciation for the valuable assistance given to the Agency by specialized agencies of the United Nations and by voluntary non-governmental organizations;

4. Approves the recommendation of the Agent General that the Agency cease as an operational organization on 30 June 1958;

5. Further approves the arrangements and procedures proposed by the Agent General in his memorandum of 13 November 1957 for the completion, after 30 June 1958, of the residual responsibilities of the Agency and the subsequent liquidation of its accounts.

723rd plenary meeting,
26 November 1957.

[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twelfth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/3651 and Corr.1). [2] Ibid., Twelfth Session, Annexes, agenda item 27, document A/3675. [3] Ibid., document A/3651/Add.1. [4] Ibid., document A/C.2/L.350.

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