XI. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED WITHOUT REFERENCE TO A COMMITTEE : Question considered by the first emergency special session of the General Assembly from 4 to 10 November 1956 (item 67)
1128. Resolution

The General Assembly, Noting that certain Member States have affirmed that Hungarian nationals have been forcibly deported from their country, Noting further that certain other Member States have categorically affirmed that no such deportations have taken place, Recalling paragraph 5 of its resolution 1004 (ES-II) of 4 November 1956, in which the Government of Hungary is asked to permit observers designated by the Secretary-General to enter the territory of Hungary, to travel freely therein, and to report their findings to the Secretary-General, Noting that the Secretary-General is pursuing his efforts in this regard with the Hungarian Government, Noting further that the Secretary-General has urged Hungary as a Member of the United Nations to cooperate with the great majority in the clarification of the situation,

1. Urges Hungary to accede to the request made by the Secretary-General without prejudice to its sovereignty;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly without delay.

587th plenary meeting,
21 November 1956.

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