Renewal of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories

933 (X). Renewal of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories

The General Assembly, Having considered the work of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories constituted by resolution 332 (IV) adopted by the General Assembly on 2 December 1949, Recognizing the value of further constructive work by the Committee in the interests of the advancement of the peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories and the attainment of the objectives set forth in Chapter XI of the Charter,

1. Decides to continue the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories on the same basis for a further three-year period;

2. Decides that, as provided in resolutions 332 (IV) and 646 (VII) of 2 December 1949 and 10 December 1952 respectively, the Committee should be composed of those Members of the United Nations transmitting information in accordance with Article 73 e of the Charter and of an equal number of non-administering Members elected by the Fourth Committee on behalf of the General Assembly on as wide a geographical basis as possible;

3. Invites the members of the Committee to continue to attach to their delegations persons specially qualified in the functional fields within the Committee's purview;

4. Invites the Administering Members to attach to their delegations indigenous persons specially qualified to speak on economic, social and educational policies in the Non- Self -Governing Territories;

5. Instructs the Committee to examine, in the spirit of paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 1 and of Article 55 of the Charter, the summaries and analyses of information transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter on the economic, social and educational conditions in the Non-Self-Governing Territories, including any papers prepared by the specialized agencies and any reports or information on measures taken in pursuance of the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly concerning economic, social and educational conditions in the Non-Self-Governing Territories;

6. Instructs the Committee to submit to the regular sessions of the General Assembly reports containing such procedural recommendations as it may deem fit and such substantive recommendations as it may deem desirable relating to functional fields generally but not with respect to individual Territories;

7. Considers that the Committee should, without prejudice to the annual consideration of all the functional fields enumerated in Article 73 e of the Charter, give special attention to educational, economic and social conditions in turn and should consider the information transmitted in respect of these questions in the light of the reports approved by the General Assembly on such conditions in Non-Self-Governing Territories;

8. Decides that, at its thirteenth session, the General Assembly will reconsider the question of continuing the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories, together with the questions of the composition and terms of reference of this or any such future committee.

541st plenary meeting,
8 November 1955.
At its 512th meeting on 17 November 1955 the Fourth Committee, acting in the name of the General Assembly, in accordance with the terms of the above resolution, was called upon to fill the vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories created by the expiration of the terms of office of BRAZIL, CHINA, INDIA and IRAQ. The following States were elected for a three-year period: CHINA, INDIA, IRAQ and VENEZUELA.

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