Educational advancement in Non-Self. Governing Territories

845. Educational advancement in Non-Self. Governing Territories

The General Assembly, Noting resolution 743 (VIII) of 27 November 1953, by which the Administering Members were recommended to make the greatest possible use of offers that might be made to them by other Member States through the Secretary-General or through the specialized agencies concerned or in other appropriate ways, for the purpose of facilitating the educational advancement of the inhabitants of Non- Self -Governing Territories by such means as making available fellowships, scholarships and internships to qualified students from these Territories, Noting the view[1] expressed by the Committee on Information from Non- Self -Governing Territories in 1953 that the attainment of self-government by Non-Self-Governing Territories is, inter alia, hindered by inadequacies in the education of their peoples, Considering that facilities for study and training at all levels of education, despite all the efforts made by the Administering Members in the direction of their improvement, are not yet adequate in most of the Non- Self -Governing Territories,

1. Invites Member States to extend generously their offers of facilities not only for study and training of university standard but, in the first place, for study at the post-primary level as well as technical and vocational training of immediate practical value;

2. Invites Member States offering facilities, in cases where the languages of instruction differ from the languages of the Non- Self -Governing Territories, to consider the possibility of extending the duration of the facilities offered by a preliminary period of language training and other adjustment to the country of study or training;

3. Invites Member States to transmit the details of such offers to the Administering Members, to the Secretary-General and to the appropriate specialized agencies;

4. Recommends that the Administering Members make the greatest possible use of facilities at all levels of education and training, including the field of fundamental education, that may be offered by States Members of the United Nations;

5. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Administering Members and the specialized agencies concerned, to establish a simple procedure which would enable offers and applications made through the United Nations or the specialized agencies to be brought to the attention of the Administering Members, and thereafter, in the case of applications, to the attention of the offering States concerned together with any observations the Administering Members may have submitted;

6. Invites the Administering Members to give appropriate publicity in Territories under their administration to offers of study and training facilities and to take such other measures as will ensure that the greatest possible advantage is taken of the offers;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to include in the United Nations information material details of all such offers and of the procedures to be followed in submitting applications, and further requests him to transmit such details to the specialized agencies with a view to securing similar publicity in their appropriate publications;

8. Requests the Secretary-General, after consultation with the Administering Members, to prepare a report for the information of the General Assembly giving details of the offers made and the extent to which they have been taken up.

498th plenary meeting,
22 November 1954.

[1] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Eighth Session, Supplement No. 15, part two, para. 10.

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