Draft articles on the continental shelf

899. Draft articles on the continental shelf

The General Assembly, Considering that the International Law Commission in its report[1] on the work of its fifth session submitted for the consideration of the General Assembly draft articles on the continental shelf, Believing that consideration by the General Assembly of the régime of the high seas, the régime of territorial waters and all related problems should be undertaken without undue delay, Recalling that, in resolution 798 (VIII) of 7 December 1953, the General Assembly, having regard to the fact that the problems relating to the high seas, territorial waters, contiguous zones, the continental shelf and the superjacent waters were closely linked together juridically as well as physically, decided not to deal with any aspect of those matters until all the problems involved had been studied by the International Law Commission and reported upon by it to the General Assembly, 1. Requests the International Law Commission to devote the necessary time to the study of the régime of the high seas, the régime of territorial waters and all related problems in order to complete its work on these topics and submit its final report in time for the General Assembly to consider them as a whole, in accordance with resolution 798 (VIII), at its eleventh session; 2. Decides to include the final report of the International Law Commission on these topics in the provisional agenda for the eleventh session of the General Assembly. 912th plenary meeting,
14 December 1954.

[1] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Eighth Session, Supplement No. 9, chapter III.

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