International criminal jurisdiction

898. International criminal jurisdiction

The General Assembly, Having received the report[1] of the 1953 Committee on International Criminal jurisdiction to which a revised draft statute for an international criminal court is annexed, Considering the connexion between the question of defining aggression, the draft Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind, and the question of an international criminal jurisdiction, Considering that the General Assembly has established[2] a new Special Committee on the question of defining aggression to submit to the General Assembly at its eleventh session a detailed report with a draft definition of aggression, and that it has also postponed[3] consideration of the draft Code until the Special Committee has submitted its report, so that the question of the draft Code will also be included in the provisional agenda of the eleventh session, Considering that, after the General Assembly has examined the Special Committee's report and the draft Code, an interval should be allowed before it resumes consideration of the question of an international criminal jurisdiction in order to give Governments sufficient time duly to consider the influence and effect of the first two questions in relation to the question of an international criminal jurisdiction,

1. Thanks the 1953 Committee on International Criminal Jurisdiction for the efforts it has made in carrying out its terms of reference;

2. Decides to postpone consideration of the question of an international criminal jurisdiction until the General Assembly has taken up the report of the Special Committee on the question of defining aggression and has taken up again the draft Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind.

512th plenary meeting,
14 December 1954.

[1]1 Ibid., Supplement No. 12. [2] See resolution 895 (IX), p. 49, [3] See resolution 897 (IX), above.

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