International technical conference on the conservation of the living resources of the sea

900 (IX). International technical conference on the conservation of the living resources of the sea

The General Assembly, Considering that the International Law Commission has proposed for the consideration of the General Assembly draft articles[1] covering certain basic aspects of the international regulation of fisheries, and considering also that that Commission has not yet concluded its study of related questions, Having regard to the fact that the problem of the international conservation of fisheries involves matters of a technical character which require consideration on a wide international basis by qualified experts, Being of the opinion that an international technical conference should be held in the near future to consider the problem of fishery conservation and make recommendations thereon, Recalling that, by resolution 798 (VIII) of 7 December 1953, the General Assembly, having regard to the fact that the problems relating to the high seas, territorial waters, contiguous zones, the continental shelf and the superjacent waters are closely linked together juridically as well as physically, decided, consequently, not to deal with any aspect of those topics until all the problems involved had been studied by the International Law Commission and reported upon by it to the General Assembly, Having regard to the fact that the technical studies relating to the conservation, protection and regulation of fisheries and other resources of the sea are also closely linked to the solution of the problems mentioned in the preceding paragraph,

1. Requests the Secretary-General to convene an international technical conference at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on 18 April 1955 to study the problem of the international conservation of the living resources of the sea and to make appropriate scientific and technical recommendations which shall take into account the principles of the present resolution and shall not prejudge the related problems awaiting consideration by the General Assembly;

2. Invites all States Members of the United Nations and States members of the specialized agencies to participate in the conference and to include among their representatives individual experts competent in the field of fishery conservation and regulation;

3. Invites the interested specialized agencies and inter-governmental organizations concerned with problems of the international conservation of the living resources of the sea, to send observers to the conference;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to arrange for the necessary staff and facilities which would be required for the conference, it being understood that the technical services of Governments of Member States and the technical and secretarial services of the Food and Agriculture Organization shall be utilized as fully as practicable in the arrangements for such a conference;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to circulate the report of the conference for information to the Governments of all States invited to participate in the conference;

6. Decides to refer the report of the said scientific and technical conference to the International Law Commission as a further technical contribution to be taken into account in its study of the questions to be dealt with in the final report which it is to prepare pursuant to resolution 899 (IX) of 14 December 1954.

512th plenary meeting,
14 December 1954.

[1] Ibid., paragraph 94.

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