Question of the establishment of an international finance corporation
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
11 December 1954
823 Question of the establishment of an international finance corporation
1. Expresses its appreciation of the studies carried out by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
2. Takes note of the statement of the United States Administration of 11 November 1954 and declarations of other countries in support of an international finance corporation, and looks forward to its establishment as soon as practicable;
3. Requests the International Bank:
(a) To prepare draft statutes to govern the corporation, taking into account the views expressed in the United Nations and the responsibilities of existing financial organizations;
(b) To present the draft to the Governments of members of the Bank for discussion and invite them to indicate the degree of support that may be expected from them in providing the capital for the establishment of the corporation;
(c) To take steps to bring about agreement among its members on the draft statutes;
(d) To report on the results of its work to the Economic and Social Council at its twentieth session;
4. Requests the Council to report on this matter to the General Assembly at its tenth session.
510th plenary meeting,11 December 1954.
[1] See document E/2215; Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 3, document E/2441; and ibid., Eighteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 3, document E/2616.
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