Procedure for the examination of reports and petitions relating to the Territory of South West Africa
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
11 October 1954
844. Procedure for the examination of reports and petitions relating to the Territory of South West Africa
Special rule A: The General Assembly shall receive annually from the Committee on South West Africa the report on South West Africa submitted to the Committee by the Union of South Africa (or a report on conditions in the Territory of South West Africa prepared by the Committee in accordance with paragraph 12 (c) of General Assembly resolution 749 A (VIII)) together with the observations of the Committee on the report as well as the comments of the duly authorized representative of the Union of South Africa, should that Government decide to follow the General Assembly's recommendation and appoint such a representative. Special rule B: The General Assembly shall, as a rule, be guided by the observations of the Committee on South West Africa and shall base its conclusions, as far as possible, on the Committee's observations.PROCEDURE WITH REGARD TO PETITIONS
Special rule C: The General Assembly shall receive annually from the Committee on South West Africa a report with regard to petitions submitted to it. The summary records of the meetings at which the petitions were discussed shall be attached. Special rule D: The General Assembly shall, as a rule, be guided by the conclusions of the Committee on South West Africa and shall base its own conclusions, as far as possible, on the conclusions of the Committee.PRIVATE MEETINGS
Special rule E: Having regard to rule 62 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, meetings at which decisions concerning persons are considered shall be held in private.VOTING PROCEDURE
Special rule F: Decisions of the General Assembly on questions relating to reports and petitions concerning the Territory of South West Africa shall be regarded as important questions within the meaning of Article 18, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations. 494th plenary meeting,11 October 1954.
[1] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Ninth Session, Supplement No. 14 and documents A/2666/Corr.1 and A/2666/Add.1. [2] See International Status of South West Africa, Advisory Opinion: I.C.J. Reports 1950.
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