Draft International Code of Ethics for the use of information personnel

838. Draft International Code of Ethics for the use of information personnel

The General Assembly, Recalling its previous decisions, in its resolutions 635 (VII) of 16 December 1952 and 736 B (VIII) of 28 November 1953, concerning the draft International Code[1] of Ethics for the use of information personnel, Noting the Secretary-General's report[2]2on the question of organizing an international professional conference to prepare the final text of such a Code, Noting further that the information enterprises and national and international associations which favour the organization of a conference do not appear to constitute a sufficiently representative group, Reaffirming its interest in the improvement of standards of conduct and performance for information personnel, through measures adopted by professional action, Decides:

(a) To take no further action at the present time in regard to the organization of such a conference;

(b) To request the Secretary-General to transmit the text of the draft International Code of Ethics for the use of information personnel, together with his report [3]3to the enterprises and associations with which he has been in communication regarding this matter, for their information and for such action as they may deem proper.

514th plenary meeting,
17 December 1954.

[1]1 Ibid., Fourteenth Session, Supplement No. 4 A. [2] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Ninth Session, Annexes, agenda item 29, documents A/2691 and Add. 1 and 2. [3] Ibid.

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