Question of South West Africa
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
28 November 1953
749. Question of South West Africa
The General Assembly, Having accepted, by resolution 449 A (V) of 13 December 1950 and by resolution 570 (VI) of 19 January 1952, the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice with respect to South West Africa, Recalling that the advisory opinion[1] of the International Court of Justice with respect to the Territory of South West Africa sets forth, inter alia, that:(a) The Territory of South West Africa is a Territory under the international Mandate assumed by the Union of South Africa on 17 December 1920,
(b) The Union of South Africa acting alone has not the competence to modify the international status of the Territory of South West Africa, and that the competence to determine and modify the international status of the Territory rests with the Union of South Africa acting with the consent of the United Nations,
(c) The Union of South Africa continues to have the international obligations stated in Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations and in the Mandate for South West Africa as well as the obligation to transmit petitions from the inhabitants of that Territory, the supervisory functions to be exercised by the United Nations to which the annual reports and the petitions are to be submitted,
Considering that, in accordance with the opinion of the International Court of Justice, the Union of South Africa is under an obligation to accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court as provided by Article 37 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, by Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Charter of the United Nations and by article 7 of the Mandate for South West Africa, Having reconstituted the Ad Hoc Committee on South West Africa, consisting of the representatives of Norway, Syria, Thailand, the United States of America and Uruguay, by General Assembly resolution 570 A (VI) of 19 January 1952 and, by General Assembly resolution 651 (VII) of 20 December 1952, having continued it on the same basis as before, Having considered the reports of the aforesaid Ad Hoc Committee, i.e., document A/2261 submitted on 21 November 1952 and documents A/2475 and Adds.1 and 2 submitted on 16 September, 8 October and 9 November 1953,1. Commends the Ad Hoc Committee on South West Africa for its earnest and constructive efforts to find a mutually satisfactory basis of agreement;
2. Records with deep regret that the Government of the Union of South Africa continues in its refusal to assist in the implementation of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice concerning South West Africa, and continues to maintain that the Union of South Africa has no international commitments as the result of the demise of the League of Nations, and that the Government of the Union of South Africa is prepared only to enter into new arrangements for the Territory of South West Africa with the Principal Allied and Associated Powers of the First World War (France, the United Kingdom and the United States of America), and not with the United Nations;
3. Notes with concern that, as required by paragraph 6 of General Assembly resolution 570 A (VI), the Ad Hoc Committee was unable to examine reports on the administration of the Territory of South West Africa because again no such reports were submitted by the Government of the Union of South Africa;
4. Notes with further regret that the Union of South Africa has refused to co-operate with the United Nations concerning the submission of petitions in accordance with the procedures of the Mandates System;
5. Notes the contents of the communications relating to South West Africa received by the Ad Hoc Committee in 1951, 1952 and 1953 from sources within and outside the Territory of South West Africa and contained in the aforesaid reports of the Ad Hoc Committee;
6. Affirms that, in order to implement the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice with regard to South West Africa,
(a) The supervision of the administration of South West Africa, though it should not exceed that which applied under the Mandates System, should be exercised by the United Nations; judicial supervision by the International Court of Justice, which the Union Government is prepared to accept, is not in accordance with the advisory opinion expressed by that Court and accepted by the General Assembly;
(b) The Union Government should assume its obligations to the United Nations and not, as proposed by the Union Government, to the three Powers (France, the United Kingdom and the United States of America) as principals;
7. Appeals solemnly to the Government of the Union of South Africa to reconsider its position, and urges it to continue negotiations with the Committee on South West Africa, established under paragraph 12 below, in accordance with the aforesaid principles for the purpose of concluding an agreement providing for the full implementation of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; and urges it further to resume submission of reports on the administration of the Territory of South West Africa and to transmit to the United Nations petitions from individuals or groups of the population of the Territory;
8. Recalls and reaffirms that the Territory of South West Africa is a Territory under the international Mandate assumed by the Union of South Africa on 17 December 1920;
9. Reaffirms further that the Union of South Africa continues to have the international obligations stated in Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations and in the Mandate for South West Africa as well as the obligation to transmit petitions from the inhabitants of that Territory, the supervisory functions to be exercised by the United Nations to which the annual reports and the petitions are to be submitted;
10. Considers that without United Nations supervision the inhabitants of the Territory are deprived of the international supervision envisaged by the Covenant of the League of Nations;
11. Believes that it would not fulfil its obligation towards the inhabitants of South West Africa if it were not to assume the supervisory responsibilities with regard to the Territory of South West Africa which were formerly exercised by the League of Nations;
12. Establishes, until such time as an agreement is reached between the United Nations and the Union of South Africa, a Committee on South West Africa, consisting of seven Members, and requests this Committee to:
(a) Examine, within the scope of the Questionnaire adopted by the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations in 1926, such information and documentation as may be available in respect of the Territory of South West Africa;
(b) Examine, as far as possible in accordance with the procedure of the former Mandates System, reports and petitions which may be submitted to the Committee or to the Secretary-General;
(c) Transmit to the General Assembly a report concerning conditions in the Territory taking into account, as far as possible, the scope of the reports of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations;
(d) Prepare, for the consideration of the General Assembly, a procedure for the examination of reports and petitions which should conform as far as possible to the procedure followed in this respect by the Assembly, the Council and the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations;
13. Authorizes the Committee to continue negotiations with the Union of South Africa in order to implement fully the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice regarding the question of South West Africa;
14. Requests the Committee to submit reports on its activities to the General Assembly at its regular sessions.
460th plenary meeting,28 November 1953. At its 467th plenary meeting on 3 December 1953, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Fourth Committee to the President, approved the nomination of the following Members to serve on the Committee on South West Africa: Brazil, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Syria, Thailand and Uruguay.
The General Assembly, Having recommended, by its resolutions 65 (I) of 14 December 1946, 141 (II) of 1 November 1947, 227 (III) of 26 November 1948, 337 (IV) of 6 December 1949, 449 B (V) of 13 December 1950 and 570 B (VI) of 19 January 1952, that the Mandated Territory of South West Africa be placed under the International Trusteeship System, and having repeatedly invited the Government of the Union of South Africa to propose, for the consideration of the General Assembly, a Trusteeship Agreement for South West Africa, Having accepted, by resolution 449 A (V) of 13 December 1950, the advisory opinion of 11 July 1950 of the International Court of justice concerning South West Africa, inter alia, to the effect that:(a) While "the provisions of Chapter XII of the Charter do not impose on the Union of South Africa a legal obligation to place the Territory under the Trusteeship System", they "are applicable to the Territory of South West Africa in the sense that they provide a means by which the Territory may be brought under the Trusteeship System",
(b) " the Union of South Africa acting alone has not the competence to modify the international status of the Territory of South West Africa," and "...the competence to determine and modify the international status of the Territory rests with the Union of South Africa acting with the consent of the United Nations",
Considering that, in accordance with Chapter XII of the Charter, all Mandated Territories which have not achieved independence have been brought under the Trusteeship System with the sole exception of the Territory of South West Africa,1. Reiterates its resolutions 65 (I) of 14 December 1946, 141 (II) of 1 November 1947, 227 (III) of 26 November 1948, 337 (IV) of 6 December 1949, 449 B (V) of 13 December 1950 and 570 B (VI) of 19 January 1952, to the effect that the Territory of South West Africa be placed under the International Trusteeship System;
2. Reasserts that the normal way of modifying the international status of the Territory would be to place it under the Trusteeship System by means of a Trusteeship Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XII of the Charter.
460th plenary meeting,28 November 1953.
[1] See International Status of South West Africa, Advisory Opinion: I.C.J. Reports 1950, page 128.
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