Technical assistance in public administration
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
23 October 1953
723. Technical assistance in public administration
1. Approves a revised United Nations programme in public administration comprising:
(a) The provision, at the request of governments, of technical assistance related to public administration, including training for public service, through:
(i) The advisory services of experts;
(ii) Fellowships and scholarships;
(iii) Training institutes, seminars, conferences, working groups and other means;
(iv) The provision of technical publications;
(b) The collection, analysis and exchange of technical information in the field of public administration, in collaboration, where appropriate, with the International Institute of Administrative Sciences and other appropriate institutions, and assistance to governments to promote, by all suitable means, sound public administration, in relation to economic and social development;
2. Authorizes the Secretary-General to continue to include in the budgetary estimates of the United Nations the funds necessary for carrying out an effective operational programme based on the provision of the above services and, in addition, to finance such activities from funds made available from the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance, provided that, in the latter case, such assistance is related to the economic development of under-developed countries;
3. Reaffirms the principle by which each requesting government shall continue to be expected to assume responsibility, as far as possible, for all or part of the expenses connected with the services furnished to it;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to report regularly to the Economic and Social Council on activities carried on under this programme.
454th plenary meeting,23 October 1953.
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