United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
6 October 1953
802. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
1. Affirms that the regulations which govern the activity of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund have enabled it to achieve satisfactory techniques, to acquire valuable experience and to accomplish its task successfully;
2. Reaffirms the pertinent provisions of General Assembly resolutions 57 (I) and 417 (V), with the exception of any reference to time-limits contained in these resolutions;
3. Decides to change the name of the organization to the United Nations Children's Fund, retaining the symbol UNICEF;
4. Requests the Economic and Social Council to continue to review periodically the work of UNICEF and to make recommendations to the General Assembly as appropriate;
5. Requests the Secretary-General:
(a) To ensure that the programmes carried on by UNICEF continue to be co-ordinated effectively with the regular and technical assistance programmes of the United Nations and the specialized agencies;
(b) To report thereon to the Economic and Social Council in 1954 and subsequently as appropriate;
6. Commends UNICEF, the United Nations Secretariat and the specialized agencies concerned for the close working relations which have developed progressively and requests them to strengthen those relations in giving full effect to the desires of the Assembly as expressed in resolution 417 (V) and the present resolution.
452nd plenary meeting,6 October 1953.
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