Methods which might be used to maintain and strengthen international peace and security in accordance with the Purposes and Principles of the Charter: report of the Collective Measures Committee

703 Methods which might be used to maintain and strengthen international peace and security in accordance with the Purposes and Principles of the Charter: report of the Collective Measures Committee

The General Assembly, Having received the second report[1]1of the Collective Measures Committee, Affirming the need for strengthening further the system of collective security under the authority of the United Nations, Finding that to this end further steps could be taken by States and by the United Nations in accordance with the Charter and in conformity with the "Uniting for peace" resolution (377 A (V)) and with resolution 503 (VI),

1. Takes note of the second report of the Collective Measures Committee and expresses appreciation of the constructive work done by the Committee during the past year, particularly in the economic field, including the preparation of lists of arms, ammunition and implements of war and of strategic items for consideration by the Security Council or the General Assembly in the application of a selective embargo;

2. Requests the Collective Measures Committee to continue its work until the ninth session of the General Assembly, as directed in paragraph 4 below, for the maintenance and strengthening of the United Nations collective security system;

3. Recommends to States Members, and invites States not Members of the United Nations:

(a) To give careful consideration to the reports of the Collective Measures Committee;

(b) To continue and intensify their efforts to carry out the recommendations of the "Uniting for peace" resolution and of resolution 503 (VI);

(c) To keep the Collective Measures Committee currently informed of the progress they are making in this respect;

4. Directs the Collective Measures Committee:

(a) To pursue such studies as it may deem desirable to strengthen the capability of the United Nations to maintain peace, taking account of the "Uniting for peace" resolution, resolution 503 (VI) and the present resolution;

(b) To continue the examination of information received from States pursuant to the "Uniting for peace" resolution, resolution 503 (VI) and the present resolution;

(c) In the light of its studies, to suggest to the Security Council and to the General Assembly such specific ways and means as it may deem appropriate to encourage further preparatory action by States;

(d) To report to the Security Council and to the General Assembly not later than the ninth session of the Assembly.

415th plenary meeting,
17 March 1953.

[1] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventh Session, Supplement No. 17.

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