735. The Social Commission e

The General Assembly, Mindful of the provisions of Articles 61 and 68 of the Charter, Considering that one of the aims of the United Nations is to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom and to this end to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations, Considering that the General Assembly at its present session has adopted [1] a programme of concerted practical action in the social field, Recalling that the Economic and Social Council, in its resolution 414 (XIII) of 18, 19 and 20 September 1951 decided that the Social Commission should meet biennially instead of annually, Bearing in mind that, in accordance with its resolution 414 (XIII), the Economic and Social Council must review in 1954 the question of organization of its functional commissions, Having considered the draft proposals[2] made with a view to the possible revision of the pattern of meetings of the Social Commission, as well as to the expansion of its membership to provide improved representation of under-developed areas and various economic and cultural patterns,

1. Invites the Economic and Social Council, in its review of this question, to consider the aforementioned draft proposals, as well as the suggestions made in the discussion of this matter during the eighth session of the General Assembly;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to communicate to the Economic and Social Council the records of the debate on the question during the eighth session of the General Assembly.

460th plenary meeting,
28 November 1953.

[1] See resolution 732(VIII). [2] See documents A/C.3/L.376, A/C.3/L.382, A/C.3/L.384 and A/C.3/L.386.

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