Future work of the United Nations in the field of freedom of information

631. Future work of the United Nations in the field of freedom of information

The General Assembly, Reaffirming that freedom of information is a fundamental human right and is the touchstone of all the freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated, the promotion of which is one of the fundamental tasks of the United Nations, Considering that in 1946 the General Assembly initiated[1] the study in the United Nations of the problems of freedom of information and continues to take great interest in the said problems and to concern itself with them directly, Considering the continuing need for study, inquiry and investigation with a view to positive action for the removal of obstacles to the free flow of information, Considering that the Third Committee has not studied the draft Convention[2] on Freedom of Information during the sixth and seventh sessions of the General Assembly, Noting the decision of the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 442 C (XIV) of 13 June 1952 to appoint, for an experimental period of one year, and in a personal capacity, a rapporteur on matters relating to freedom of information, Noting that the rapporteur designated by the Council has already undertaken, in co-operation with the Secretary-General, the specialized agencies, in particular the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and the professional organizations concerned, both national and international, the preparation,[3] for submission to the Council in 1953, of a substantive report covering major contemporary problems and developments in the field of freedom of information, together with recommendations regarding practical action which might be taken by the Council, in order to surmount those obstacles to the fuller enjoyment of freedom of information which can be surmounted at the present time,

1. Requests the Secretary-General to communicate the records of the Third Committee on the subject of freedom of information to the Economic and Social Council, in order that they may be taken into consideration by the Council during its studies and discussions;

2. Decides to consider further at its eighth session the problem of promoting and safeguarding freedom of information, including the draft Convention on Freedom of Information, on the basis of the rapporteur's report to the Economic and Social Council in 1953 and after the Economic and Social Council has had an opportunity to examine the rapporteur's report; and accordingly,

3. Invites the Economic and Social Council to submit to the General Assembly at its eighth session a statement of its views and plans regarding future work in connexion with freedom of information.

403rd plenary meeting,
16 December 1952.

[1] See resolution 59 (I) [2] See document A/AC.42/7, annex A. [3] See document E/2345.

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