Future work of the United Nations in the field of freedom of information
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
16 December 1952
631. Future work of the United Nations in the field of freedom of information
1. Requests the Secretary-General to communicate the records of the Third Committee on the subject of freedom of information to the Economic and Social Council, in order that they may be taken into consideration by the Council during its studies and discussions;
2. Decides to consider further at its eighth session the problem of promoting and safeguarding freedom of information, including the draft Convention on Freedom of Information, on the basis of the rapporteur's report to the Economic and Social Council in 1953 and after the Economic and Social Council has had an opportunity to examine the rapporteur's report; and accordingly,
3. Invites the Economic and Social Council to submit to the General Assembly at its eighth session a statement of its views and plans regarding future work in connexion with freedom of information.
403rd plenary meeting,16 December 1952.
[1] See resolution 59 (I) [2] See document A/AC.42/7, annex A. [3] See document E/2345.
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