Majority required for the adoption by the General Assembly of amendments to and parts of proposals relating to important questions

475. Majority required for the adoption by the General Assembly of amendments to and parts of proposals relating to important questions

The General Assembly, Considering its resolution 362 (IV) of 22 October 1949 on the methods and procedures of the General Assembly, Having examined the report[1] drawn up by the Secretary-General in pursuance of paragraph 7 of the above-mentioned resolution,

1. Resolves to insert in its rules of procedure a new rule 84 (a) worded as follows:

"New rule 84 (a)

"Decisions of the General Assembly on amendments to proposals relating to important questions, and on parts of such proposals put to the vote separately, shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting.";

2. Resolves that this new rule of procedure shall enter into force as from the adoption of the present resolution by the General Assembly.

298th plenary meeting,
1 November 1950.

[1] See document A/1356.

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