Threats to the political independence and territorial integrity of Greece
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
1 December 1950
382. Threats to the political independence and territorial integrity of Greece
The General Assembly, Having considered the unanimous conclusions[1] of the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans concerning those members of the Greek armed forces who were captured by the Greek guerrillas and taken into countries north of Greece, Having noted that, with the sole exception of Yugoslavia, the other States concerned are still detaining these members of the Greek armed forces without justification under commonly accepted international practice,1. Recommends the repatriation of all those among them who express the wish to be repatriated,
2. Calls upon the States concerned to take the necessary measures for the speedy implementation of the present resolution,
3. Instructs the Secretary-General to request the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies to ensure liaison with the national Red Cross organizations of the States concerned, with a view to implementing the present resolution.
313th plenary meeting,1 December 1950.
The General Assembly, Having considered the report[2] of the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans and having noted that, although a certain improvement has taken place in the situation on the northern frontiers of Greece, there nevertheless remains a threat to the political independence and territorial integrity of Greece,1. Approves the report of the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans;
2. Continues the Special Committee in being until the sixth session of the General Assembly, in accordance with the terms of reference and administrative arrangements contained in General Assembly resolutions 109 (II), 193 ((III) and 288 (IV), unless meanwhile the Special Committee recommends to the Interim Committee its own dissolution;
3. Authorizes the Interim Committee to act on such recommendation as it thinks proper.
313th plenary meeting,1 December 1950.
The General Assembly, Noting with grave concern the reports[3] of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies and of the Secretary-General, and particularly the statement [4] that "not a single Greek child has yet been returned to his native land and except for Yugoslavia, no country harbouring Greek children has taken definite action to comply with the resolutions unanimously adopted in two successive years by the General Assembly", Recognizing that every possible effort should be made to restore the children to their homes, in a humanitarian spirit detached from political or ideological considerations, Expressing its full appreciation of the efforts made by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies and by the Secretary-General to implement General Assembly resolutions 193 C (III) and 288 B (IV),1. Requests the Secretary-General and the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies to continue their efforts in accordance with the aforementioned resolutions;
2. Urges all States harbouring the Greek children to make all the necessary arrangements, in co-operation with the Secretary-General and the international Red Cross organizations, for the early return of the Greek children to their parents and, whenever necessary to allow the international Red Cross organizations free access to their territories for this purpose;
3. Establishes a Standing Committee, to be composed of the representatives of Peru, the Philippines and Sweden, to act in consultation with the Secretary-General, and to consult with the representatives of the States concerned, with a view to the early repatriation of the children;
4. Requests the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies to cooperate with the Standing Committee;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to report from time to time to Member States on the progress made in the implementation of the present resolution, and requests the international Red Cross organizations and the Secretary-General to submit reports to the General Assembly at its sixth session.
313th plenary meeting,1 December 1950.
[1] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifth Session, Supplement No. 11. [2] Ibid. [3] See documents A/1480 and A/1480/Add.1. [4] See document A/1480, paragraph 17.
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