Continuing needs of children: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
1 December 1950
417. Continuing needs of children: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
1. Reaffirms its approval of the policy of the Executive Board of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund to devote a greater share of the Fund's resources to the development of programmes outside Europe;
2. Expresses again its gratitude to governments and individuals for their generous contributions enabling the Fund to carry out its tasks;
3. Renews its appeal to governments and private persons to continue their contributions to the Fund, and to the various officials and private international organizations interested in child welfare to collaborate with the Fund in every possible way;
4. Recommends to Member States that they develop and improve their national child welfare services, providing, if possible, the necessary funds for that important purpose under their respective budgets;
5. Requests the Economic and Social Council, in consultation with the appropriate specialized agencies:
(a) To give greater emphasis to support of national programmes designed to aid children within the framework of existing United Nations activities for promoting the economic and social development of underdeveloped areas;
(b) To explore the means of procuring and financing supplies incidental to such programmes, especially those needed for demonstration purposes;
6. Decides:
(a) That the Executive Board of the Fund shall be reconstituted as from 1 January 1951 to consist of the governments of the States represented on the Social Commission and the governments of eight other States, not necessarily Members of the United Nations, to be designated by the Economic and Social Council for appropriate terms, with due regard to geographical distribution and to the representation of the major contributing and recipient countries;
(b) That during the period of the Fund's existence, as provided in paragraph 6 (e), the Board, in accordance with such principles as may be laid down by the Economic and Social Council and its Social Commission, shall, with due regard to the urgency of the needs and available resources, formulate the policies, determine the programmes and allocate the resources of the Fund for the purpose of meeting, through the provision of supplies, training and advice, emergency and long-range needs of children and their continuing needs particularly in under-developed countries, with a view to strengthening, wherever this may be appropriate, the permanent child health and child welfare programmes of the countries receiving assistance;
(c) That the Executive Board shall take all necessary steps to ensure close collaboration between the Administration of the Fund and the specialized agencies, pursuant to the agreements between the United Nations and the specialized agencies;
(d) That the Administration of the Fund shall, as appropriate, obtain from inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations having a special interest in child and family welfare the advice and technical assistance which it may require for the implementation of its programmes;
(e) That the General Assembly will again consider the future of the Fund at the expiration of three years, with the object of continuing the Fund on a permanent basis.
314th plenary meeting,1 December 1950.
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