Threats to the political independence and territorial integrity of china and to the peace of the Far East, resulting from Soviet violations of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance of 14 August 1945 and from Soviet violations of the Charter of the United Nations

383. Threats to the political independence and territorial integrity of china and to the peace of the Far East, resulting from Soviet violations of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance of 14 August 1945 and from Soviet violations of the Charter of the United Nations


The General Assembly, Noting that the Interim Committee, to which the Assembly, during its fourth session, referred [1] the complaint concerning "Threats to the political independence and territorial integrity of China and to the peace of the Far East, resulting from Soviet violations of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance of 14 August 1945 and from Soviet violations of the Charter of the United Nations", has not yet submitted recommendations thereon, Decides to instruct the Interim Committee to continue inquiry on this question, in order to obtain more information and facts having a direct bearing upon the case if such findings are obtainable, and to report to the General Assembly at its next regular session. The records[2] of the discussion of the First Committee on the case shall be made available to the Interim Committee. 314th plenary meeting,
1 December 1950.


The General Assembly Decides to draw the attention of all States to the necessity of complying faithfully with the recommendation contained in General Assembly resolution 291 (IV), the object of which is to promote the stability of international relations in the Far East, and which recommends specific principles for that purpose, including, inter alia, the principle of the scrupulous observance of the treaties in force when the resolution was adopted, the purpose of which was to secure the independence and territorial integrity of China. 314th plenary meeting,
1 December 1950.

[1] See resolution 292 (IV). [2] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifth Session, First Committee, 400th-404th meetings inclusive.

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