Assistance to Palestine refugees

393. Assistance to Palestine refugees

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 302 (IV) of 8 December 1949, Having examined the report[1] of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, and the report[2] of the Secretary-General concerning United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees,

1. Notes that contributions sufficient to carry out the programme authorized in paragraph 6 of resolution 302 (IV) have not been made, and urges governments which have not yet done so to make every effort to make voluntary contributions in response to paragraph 13 of that resolution;

2. Recognizes that direct relief cannot be terminated as provided in paragraph 6 of resolution 302 (IV);

3. Authorizes the Agency to continue to furnish direct relief to refugees in need, and considers that, for the period I July 1951 to 30 June 1952, the equivalent of approximately $20,000,000 will be required for direct relief to refugees who are not yet reintegrated into the economy of the Near East;

4. Considers that, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 11 of General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948, the reintegration of the refugees into the economic life of the Near East, either by repatriation or resettlement, is essential in preparation for the time when international assistance is no longer available, and for the realization of conditions of peace and stability in the area;

5. Instructs the Agency to establish a reintegration fund which shall be utilized for projects requested by any government in the Near East and approved by the Agency for the permanent re-establishment of refugees and their removal from relief;

6. Considers that, for the period 1 July 1951 to 30 June 1952, not less than the equivalent of $30,000,000 should be contributed to the Agency for the purposes set forth in paragraph 5 above;

7. Authorizes the Agency, as circumstances permit, to transfer funds available for the current relief and works programmes, and for the relief programme provided in paragraph 3 above, to reintegration projects provided for in paragraph 5;


(a) Requests the President of the General Assembly to appoint a Negotiating Committee composed of seven or more members for the purpose of consulting, as soon as possible during the current session of the General Assembly, with Member and non-member States as to the amounts which governments may be willing to contribute on a voluntary basis towards:

(i) The current programme for relief and works for the period ending 30 June 1951, bearing in mind the need for securing contributions from Member States which have not yet contributed;

(ii) The programme of relief and reintegration projects as provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 above for the year ending 30 June 1952;

(b) Authorizes the Negotiating Committee to adopt procedures best suited to the accomplishment of its task, bearing in mind:

(i) The need for securing the maximum contribution in cash;

(ii) The desirability of ensuring that any contribution in kind is of a nature which meets the requirements of the contemplated programmes;

(iii) The importance of enabling the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East to plan its Programmes in advance and to carry them out with funds regularly contributed;

(iv) The degree of assistance which can continue to be rendered by specialized agencies, non-member States and other contributors;

(c) Requests that, as soon as the Negotiating Committee has ascertained the extent to which Member States are willing to make contributions, all delegations be notified accordingly by the Secretary-General in order that they may consult with their governments;

(d) Decides that, as soon as the Negotiating Committee has completed its work, the Secretary-General shall at the Committee's request arrange, during the current session of the General Assembly, an appropriate meeting of Member and non-member States at which Members may commit themselves to their national contributions and the contributions of non-members may be made known;

9. Authorizes the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, to advance funds, deemed to be available for this purpose and not exceeding $5,000,000, from the Working Capital Fund to finance operations pursuant to the present resolution, such sum to be repaid not later than 31 December 1951;

10. Calls upon the Secretary-General and the specialized agencies to utilize to the fullest extent the Agency's facilities as a point of reference and co-ordination for technical assistance programmes in the countries in which the Agency is operating;

11. Expresses its appreciation to the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the International Refugee Organization, the International Labour Organisation and the Food and Agriculture Organization for the assistance which they have rendered, and urges them to continue to furnish all possible assistance to the Agency;

12. Commends the International Committee of the Red Cross, the League of Red Cross Societies, and the American Friends Service Committee for their invaluable services and whole-hearted co-operation in the distribution of relief supplies until those functions were taken over by the Agency;

13. Expresses its thanks to the numerous religious, charitable and humanitarian organizations whose programmes have brought much needed supplementary assistance to the Palestine refugees, and urges them to continue and expand, to the extent possible, the work which they have undertaken on behalf of the refugees;

14. Extends its appreciation and thanks to the Director and staff of the Agency and the members of the Advisory Committee for their effective and devoted work.

315th plenary meeting,
2 December 1950.
In accordance with the terms of the above resolution, the President of the General Assembly, at the 318th plenary meeting On 4 December 195o, announced that he had appointed a Negotiating Committee composed of the following States Members: CANADA, EGYPT, FRANCE, INDIA, UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND URUGUAY.

[1] See documents A/1451 and A/1451/Corr.1. [2] See document A/1452.

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