Organization and operation of the work of the Economic and Social Council and its Commissions

409. Organization and operation of the work of the Economic and Social Council and its Commissions


The General Assembly,

1. Takes note with satisfaction of the Economic and Social Council's decision[1] to undertake in the near future a complete review of its organization and operation and that of its Commissions;

2. Expresses the opinion that the regional economic commissions should be maintained, although their organization and terms of reference may have to be revised in the light of the experience acquired since their establishment.

314th plenary meeting,
1 December 1950.


The General Assembly, Considering its resolutions 207 (III) and 208 (III) of the General Assembly of 18 November 1948, Taking note of resolution 295 (XI) adopted by the Economic and Social Council on 16 August 1950,

1. Recommends the Economic and Social Council to draw the attention of the Committee appointed in pursuance of its resolution 295 B (XI) to the necessity of taking into consideration General Assembly resolution 207 (III) concerning the distribution of membership in subsidiary organs of the Economic and Social Council;

2. Draws the attention of Members of the United Nations to the necessity of implementing as soon as possible General Assembly resolution 208 (III) concerning the participation of Member States in the work of the Economic and Social Council;

3. Invites the Secretary-General to give consideration to the suggestions which will be communicated to him by Member States in pursuance of resolution 208 (III), and to submit a report on this subject to the General Assembly.

314th plenary meeting,
1 December 1950.


The General Assembly, Considering the desirability of laying down guiding principles for the Committee appointed to review the organization and operation of the Economic and Social Council and its commissions, Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 208 (III), Suggest to the Committee that it is desirable that the largest number of Member States compatible with efficiency should be enabled to participate in the organization and work of the Economic and Social Council and its subordinate bodies. 314th plenary meeting,
1 December 1950.

[1] See Economic and Social Council resolution 295 B (XI).

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