Reports of 1949 of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

355. Reports of 1949 of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

The General Assembly

1. Takes note of the reports[1] submitted to it in 1949 by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;

2. Records its recognition of the high value of the work performed by the Advisory Committee in the interests of the United Nations.

274th plenary meeting,
9 December 1949.

[1] See Official Records of the third session of the General Assembly, Part II, Plenary Meetings, Annexes, document A/843, Official Records of the fourth session of the General Assembly, Supplement No. 7, Official Records of the fourth session of the General Assembly, Annex to the Fifth Committee, documents A/1001, A/1002, A/1003, A/1021, A/1040, A/1046, A/1047, A/1051, A/1055, A/1056, A/1057, A/1059, A/1061, A/1067, A/1070, A/1071, A/1085, A/1086, A/1087, A/1088, A/1091, A/1153, A/1154, A/1155, A/1156, A/1157, A/1158, A/116o, A/1161, A/1210, A/1226 and Official Records of the fourth session of the General Assembly, Annex to the Joint Second and Third Committee, document A/1005.

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