Rules for the calling of international conferences of States

366. Rules for the calling of international conferences of States

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 173 (II)[1] of 17 November 1947 inviting the Secretary-General to prepare, in consultation with the Economic and Social Council, draft rules for the calling of international conferences, Having considered the draft rules for the calling of international conferences prepared by the Secretary-General and approved by the Economic and Social Council on 2 March 1949 (resolution 220 (VIII),[2]2) Approves the following rules for the calling of international conferences of States:


The Economic and Social Council may at any time decide to call an international conference of States on any matter within its competence, provided that, after consultation with the Secretary-General and the appropriate specialized agencies, it is satisfied that the work to be done by the conference cannot be done satisfactorily by any organ of the United Nations or by any specialized agency.


When the Council has decided to call an international conference, it shall prescribe the terms of reference and prepare the provisional agenda of the conference.


The Council shall decide what States shall be invited to the conference. The Secretary-General shall send out as soon as possible the invitations, accompanied by copies of the provisional agenda, and shall give notice, accompanied by copies of the provisional agenda, to every Member of the United Nations not invited. Such Member may send observers to the conference. Non-member States whose interests are directly affected by the matters to be considered at the conference may be invited to it and shall have full rights as members thereof.


With the approval of the responsible State, the Council may decide to invite to a conference of States a territory which is self-governing in the fields covered by the terms of reference of the conference but which is not responsible for the conduct of its foreign relations. The Council shall decide the extent of the participation in the conference of any territory so invited.


The Council shall, after consultation with the Secretary-General, fix the date and place of the conference or request the Secretary-General to do so.


The Council shall make arrangements for financing the conference, except that any arrangements involving the expenditure of funds of the United Nations shall be subject to the applicable regulations, rules and resolutions of the General Assembly.


The Council:

(a) Shall prepare, or request the Secretary-General to prepare, provisional rules of procedure for the conference;

(b) May establish a preparatory committee to carry out such functions in preparation for the conference as the Council shall indicate;

(c) May request the Secretary-General to perform such functions in preparation for the conference as the Council shall indicate.


The Council may invite specialized agencies in relationship with the United Nations and non-governmental organizations having consultative status with the Council to take part in conferences called under these rules. The representatives of such agencies or organizations shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges as at sessions of the Council itself, unless the Council decides otherwise.


Subject to any decisions and directions of the Council, the Secretary-General shall appoint an executive secretary for the conference, provide the secretariat and services required and make such other administrative arrangements as may be necessary. 266th plenary meeting,
3 December 1949.

[1] Ibid. [2] See Official Records of the eighth session of the Economic and Social Council, Resolutions, page 41.

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