Extension of the Palais des Nations, Geneva: arrangements to be entered into between the United Nations and the World Health Organization

360. Extension of the Palais des Nations, Geneva: arrangements to be entered into between the United Nations and the World Health Organization

The General Assembly, Taking cognizance of the arrangements proposed by the Secretary-General in document A C.5/361[1]1in connexion with the extension of the Palais des Nations in Geneva and the granting of a lease to the World Health Organization, Considering that no United Nations expenditures will be required in respect of the proposed extension of the Palais des Nations, Noting in this connexion that the Building Committee of the World Health Organization decided, on 26 November 1949, to accept a gift of 3,000,000 Swiss francs from the Swiss Government as a contribution towards the achievement of the purposes set out in document A/ C.5/361 and that the World Health Organization will have full responsibility for the additional expenditures required to cover the total construction cost of the projected extension, Authorizes the Secretary-General to enter into such arrangements with the World Health Organization and the Swiss Government as he may see fit for the attainment of the purposes set out in document A/C.5/361. 276th plenary meeting,
10 December 1949.

[1] See Official Records of the fourth session of the General Assembly, Annex to the Fifth Committee.

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