Collaboration of the specialized agencies in regard to Article 73e of the Charter
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
3 November 1948
221. Collaboration of the specialized agencies in regard to Article 73e of the Charter
1. Has noted the resolution adopted by the World Health Assembly[1] and welcomes the measures being taken by the World Health Organization to examine the section of the Standard Form relating to public health and sanitation, and in other ways to provide technical assistance in the preparation and consideration of information transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter;
Has also noted the information supplied by the International Labour Office[2] with particular reference to the ratification and application of international labour conventions concerning Non-Self-Governing Territories and to the study which is being undertaken in regard to migrant labour problems;
Has also noted the explanations furnished by the representative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization[3] on the services which that organization is providing in Non-Self-Governing Territories with the consent of the Members responsible for the administration of these territories;
2. Invites the Secretary-General to keep in close touch with the secretariats of the specialized agencies with a view to seeking their counsel and assistance in the preparation of his analyses of information transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter;
3. Invites the specialized agencies to examine the relevant sections of the Standard Form with which they are specially concerned, with a view to the revision of this Form;
4. Invites the specialized agencies to inform any special committee which the General Assembly may appoint of the progress of any work undertaken by them which includes within its scope economic, social and educational conditions affecting Non-Self-Governing Territories;
5. Further invites the appropriate specialized agencies to make such comments on the analyses prepared by the Secretary-General as they may feel will be helpful to the consideration of these analyses.
Hundred and fifty-fifth plenary meeting,3 November 1948.
[1] See document A/5 92, page 37. [2] See document A/AC. 17/W. 8. [3] See document A/AC. 17/SR. 11, page 2.
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