Appeal to the great Powers to renew their efforts to compose their differences and establish a lasting peace
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
3 November 1948
190. Appeal to the great Powers to renew their efforts to compose their differences and establish a lasting peace
1. Recalls the declarations made at Yalta on 11 February 1945 by Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, in which the signatories.
"Reaffirm our faith in the principles of the Atlantic. Charter, our pledge in the Declaration by the United Nations, and our determination to build in co-operation with other peace-loving nations a world order under law, dedicated to peace, security, freedom and the general well-being of all mankind",
And proclaim that
"Only with continuing and growing co-operation and understanding among our three countries, and. among all the peace-loving nations, can the highest aspiration of humanity be realised - a secure and lasting peace which will, in the words of the Atlantic Charter Afford assurance that all the men in all the lands may live out their lives in freedom from fear and want'";
2. Endorses these declarations and expresses its conviction that the great Allied Powers will, in their policies, conform to the spirit of the said declarations;
3. Recommends the Powers signatories to the Moscow Agreements of 24 December 1945, and the Powers which subsequently acceded thereto, to redouble their efforts, in a spirit of solidarity and mutual understanding, to secure in the briefest possible time the final settlement of the war and the conclusion of all the peace settlements;
4. Recommends the aforementioned Powers to associate with them, in the performance of such a noble task, the States which subscribed and adhered to the Washington Declaration of 1 January 1942.[1]
Hundred and fifty-fourth plenary meeting,3 November 1948.
[1] See Yearbook of the United Nations, 1946-1947, page 1.
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