Re-establishment of the Interim Committee of the General Assembly
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
3 December 1948
196. Re-establishment of the Interim Committee of the General Assembly
1. There shall be re-established for the period between the closing of the present session and the opening of the next regular session of the General Assembly an Interim Committee on which each Member of the General Assembly shall have the right to appoint one representative;
2. The Interim Committee, as a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly established in accordance with Article 22 of the Charter, shall assist the General Assembly in the performance of its functions by discharging the following duties:
(a) To consider and report with conclusions to the General Assembly on such matters as may be referred to the Committee by or under the authority of the General Assembly;
(b) To consider and report with conclusions to the General Assembly on any dispute or any situation which, in virtue of Articles 11 (paragraph 2), 14 or 35 of the Charter, has been proposed for inclusion in the agenda of the General Assembly by any Member of the United Nations, or by any non-member State under Articles 11 (paragraph 2) or 35, or has been brought before the General Assembly by the Security Council, provided the Committee previously determines the matter to be both important and requiring preliminary study. Such determination shall be made by a majority of two-thirds of the members present and voting, unless the matter is one referred to the General Assembly by the Security Council, in which case a simple majority will suffice;
(c) To consider systematically, using as a starting point the recommendations and studies of the Interim Committee contained in document A/605, the further implementation of that part of Article 11 (paragraph 1) relating to the general principles of co-operation in the maintenance of international peace and security, and of that part of Article 13 (paragraph 1 a) which deals with the promotion of international co-operation in the political field, and to report with conclusions to the General Assembly;
(d) To consider, in connexion with any matter under discussion by the Interim Committee, whether occasion may require the summoning of a special session of the General Assembly and, if the Committee deems that a session is required, so to advise the Secretary-General in order that he may obtain the views of the Members of the United Nations thereon;
(e) To conduct investigations and appoint commissions of inquiry within the scope of the Committee's duties, as it may deem useful and necessary, provided that decisions to conduct such investigations or inquiries shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. An investigation or inquiry elsewhere than at the headquarters of the United Nations shall not be conducted without the consent of the State or States in whose territory it is to take place;
(f) To report to the next regular session of the General Assembly on any changes in the Committee's constitution, its duration or its terms of reference which may be considered desirable in the light of experience;
3. The Interim Committee is hereby authorized to request advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice on legal questions arising within the scope of the Committee's activities;
4. In discharging its duties, the Interim Committee shall at all times take into account the responsibilities of the Security Council under the Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security as well as the duties assigned by the Charter or by the General Assembly or by the Security Council to other Councils or to any committee or commission. The Interim Committee shall not consider any matter of which the Security Council is seized and which the latter has not submitted to the General Assembly;
5. The rules of procedure governing the proceedings of the Interim Committee and such sub-committees and commissions as it may set up shall be those adopted by the Interim Committee on 9 January 1948[1] with such changes and additions as the Interim Committee may deem necessary, provided that they are not inconsistent with any provision of the present resolution or with any applicable rule of procedure of the General Assembly. The Interim Committee shall be convened by the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Chairman elected during the previous session of the Committee or the head of his delegation, to meet at the headquarters of the United Nations not later than 31 January 1949. At the opening meeting, the Chairman elected during the previous session of the Committee, or the head of his delegation, shall preside until the Interim Committee has elected a Chairman. The Interim Committee shall meet as and when it deems necessary for the conduct of its business. No new credentials shall be required for representatives who were duly accredited to the Interim Committee during its previous session;
6. The Secretary-General shall provide the necessary facilities and assign appropriate staff as required for the work of the Interim Committee, its sub-committees and commissions.
Hundred and sixty-ninth plenary meeting,3 December 1948.
[1] See document A/AC.18/10.
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