Threats to the political independence and territorial integrity of Greece
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
21 October 1947
109. Threats to the political independence and territorial integrity of Greece
1. Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have expressed in the Charter of the United Nations their determination to practise tolerance and to live together in peace with one another as good neighbours and to unite their strength to maintain international peace and security; and to that end the Members of the United Nations have obligated themselves to carry out the purposes and principles of the Charter,
2. The General Assembly of the United Nations,
Having considered the record of the Security Council proceedings in connexion with the complaint of the Greek Government of 3 December 1946,[1] including the report submitted by the Commission of Investigation[2] established by the Security-Council resolution of 19 December 1946[3] and information supplied by the Subsidiary Group of the Commission of Investigation subsequent to the report of the Commission;[4]
3. Taking account of the report of the Commission of Investigation which found by a majority vote that Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia had given assistance and support to the guerrillas fighting against the Greek Government,
4. Calls upon Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia to do nothing which could furnish aid and assistance to the said guerrillas;
5. Calls upon Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia on the one hand and Greece on the other to co-operate in the settlement of their disputes by peaceful means, and to that end recommends:
(1) That they establish normal diplomatic and good neighbourly relations among themselves as soon as possible;
(2) That they establish frontier conventions providing for effective machinery for the regulation and control of their common frontiers and for the pacific settlement of frontier incidents and disputes;
(3) That they co-operate in the settlement of the problems arising out of the presence of refugees in the four States concerned through voluntary repatriation wherever possible and that they take effective measures to prevent the participation of such refugees in political or military activity;
(4) That they study the practicability of concluding agreements for the voluntary transfer of minorities;
6. Establishes a Special Committee:
(1) To observe the compliance by the four Governments concerned with the foregoing recommendations;
(2) To be available to assist the four Governments concerned in the implementation of such recommendations;
7. Recommends that the four Governments concerned co-operate with the Special Committee in enabling it to carry out these functions;
8. Authorizes the Special Committee, if in its opinion further consideration of the subject matter of this resolution by the General Assembly prior to its next regular session is necessary for the maintenance of international peace and security, to recommend to the Members of the United Nations that a special session of the General Assembly be convoked as a matter of urgency;
9. Decides that the Special Committee
(1) Shall consist of representatives of Australia, Brazil, China, France, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, seats being held open for Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;
(2) Shall have its principal headquarters in Salonika and with the co-operation of the four Governments concerned shall perform its functions in such places and in the territories of the four States concerned as it may deem appropriate;
(3) Shall render a report to the next regular session of the General Assembly and to any prior special session which might be called to consider the subject matter of this resolution, and shall render such interim reports as it may deem appropriate to the Secretary-General for transmission to the Members of the Organization; in any reports to the General Assembly the Special Committee may make such recommendations to the General Assembly as it deems fit;
(4) Shall determine its own procedure, and may establish such sub-committees as it deems necessary;
(5) Shall commence its work within thirty days after the final decision of the General Assembly on this resolution, and shall remain in existence pending a new decision of the General Assembly.
10. The General Assembly
Requests the Secretary-General to assign to the Special Committee staff adequate to enable it to perform its duties, and to enter into a standing arrangement with each of the four Governments concerned to assure the Special Committee, so far as it may find it necessary to exercise its functions within their territories, of full freedom of movement and all necessary facilities for the performance of its functions.
Hundredth plenary meeting,21 October 1947.
[1] See Official Records of the Security Council, First Year, Second Series, Supplement No. 10, Annex 16, and Supplement No. 11, Annex 20. [2] Ibid., Second Year, Special Supplement No. 2. [3] Ibid., First Year, Second Series, No. 28, pages 700-701. [4] See documents S/367, S/367/Add.1, S/388, S/388/ Corr.1, S/402, S/405 S/419, S/420, S/423, S/428, S/432, S/434, S/435, S/441, S/441/Corr.1, S/443, S/445, S/457, S/509, S/515, S/515/Corr.1, S/527, S/531, S/534, S/539 and S/554.
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