133. Exchange of workers

The General Assembly, Having examined chapter III of the report of the Economic and Social Council; Considering that among the functions of the Economic and Social Council is that of developing international co-operation "with respect to economic, social, cultural and educational matters"; Considering that such international co-operation must be based on a better mutual understanding among peoples; Considering that the proper method of achieving such understanding is to increase direct contacts between the various elements of the populations of all countries, and Considering that workers too often lack means of learning about technical and social experiments which are being carried out in foreign countries, Urges those Members which are agreeable to arrange with each other, by direct agreement, such terms and conditions as will facilitate the maximum possible exchange of workers wishing to take a period of training in order to improve their knowledge of their trade and to study on the spot the economic and social problems confronting their comrades in other countries. Hundred and seventeenth plenary meeting,
17 November 1947.

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