Implementation of recommendations on economic and social matters

119. Implementation of recommendations on economic and social matters

The General Assembly,

1. With a view to the creation of conditions of stability and well-being and to the promotion of social progress and better standards of life, taking account of the fact, well established by experience, that prosperity is indivisible and requires the co-operation of all Member States within the framework of the United Nations,

2. Calls upon all Member States to carry out all recommendations of the General Assembly passed on economic and social matters;

3. Recommends, furthermore, that in fulfilment of Article 64 of the Charter of the United Nations the Secretary-General report annually to the Economic and Social Council and that the latter report to the General Assembly on steps taken by the Member Governments to give effect to the recommendations of the Economic and Social Council as well as to the recommendations made by the General Assembly on matters falling within the Council's competence.

Hundred and second plenary meeting,
31 October 1947.

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