Draft convention on genocide

180. Draft convention on genocide

The General Assembly, Realizing the importance of the problem of combating the international crime of genocide; Reaffirming its resolution 96 (I)[1] of 11 December 1946 on the crime of genocide; Declaring that genocide is an international crime entailing national and international responsibility on the part of individuals and States; Noting that a large majority of the Governments of Members of the United Nations have not yet submitted their observations on the draft convention on the crime of genocide prepared by the Secretariat[2] and circulated to those Governments by the Secretary-General on 7 July 1947; Considering that the Economic and Social Council has stated in its resolution of 6 August 1947[3] that it proposes to proceed as rapidly as possible with the consideration of the question of genocide, subject to any further instructions which it may receive from the General Assembly, Requests the Economic and Social Council to continue the work it has begun concerning the suppression of the crime of genocide, including the study of the draft convention prepared by the Secretariat, and to proceed with the completion of a convention, taking into account that the International Law Commission, which will be set up in due course in accordance with General Assembly resolution 174(II) of 21 November 1947, has been charged with the formulation of the principles recognized in the Charter of the Nürnberg Tribunal, as well as the preparation of a draft code of offences against peace and security; Informs the Economic and Social Council that it need not await the receipt of the observations of all Members before commencing its work, and Requests the Economic and Social Council to submit a report and the convention on this question to the third regular session of the General Assembly. Hundred and twenty-third plenary meeting,
21 November 1947.

[1] See Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during the second part of its first session, page 144. [2] See document E/447. [3] See Resolutions adopted by the Economic and Social Council during its fifth session, resolution 77(V), page 21.

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