International co-operation for the prevention of immigration which is likely to disturb friendly relations between nations

136. International co-operation for the prevention of immigration which is likely to disturb friendly relations between nations

The General Assembly, Having noted that its resolutions 8(I)[1] of 12 February and 62 (I)[2] of 15 December 1946 on the question of refugees, and its resolution 103 (I)[3] of 19 November 1946 condemning racial and religious discrimination, have not been fully implemented, and that hundreds of thousands of victims of aggression remain in displaced persons camps; Recalling that one of the principles of the International Refugee Organization is that it "should exercise special care in cases in which the re-establishment or resettlement of refugees or displaced persons might be contemplated, either in countries contiguous to their respective countries of origin or in non-self-governing countries. The Organization should give due weight, among other factors, to any evidence of genuine apprehension and concern felt in regard to such plans, in the former case, by the country of origin of the persons involved, or, in the latter case, by the indigenous population of the non-self-governing country in question",[4] Invites the Member States to implement the General Assembly resolution of 19 November 1946; Reaffirms its position that the main task concerning displaced persons is to encourage and assist in every possible way their early return to their countries of origin, in accordance with the General Assembly resolution of 12 February 1946, and that no obstacles be placed in the way of the early fulfilment of this task; Invites the Member States not to accord aid and protection to individuals or organizations which are engaged in the promoting or operating of illegal immigration, or in activities designed to promote illegal immigration; Recommends each Member of the United Nations to adopt urgent measures for the early return of the repatriable refugees and displaced persons to their countries of origin, having regard to the General Assembly resolution of 12 February 1946, and for settling a fair share of the non-repatriable refugees and displaced persons in its country; to inform the Secretary-General without delay of the results of the consideration it has given, in implementation of resolution 62 (I) of the General Assembly, paragraph (e), to receiving, in conformity with the principles of the International Refugee Organization, its fair share of non-repatriable persons, and to collaborate with other nations, for instance through the International Refugee Organization or its Preparatory Commission, in the development of overall plans to accomplish this end; Requests the Secretary-General to submit, in collaboration with the Director-General of the International Refugee Organization, or the Executive Secretary of its Preparatory Commission, a report on the progress and prospect of repatriation, resettlement and immigration of the refugees and displaced persons, for consideration by the Economic and Social Council at its seventh session. Hundred and seventeenth plenary meeting,
17 November 1947.

[1] See Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during the first part of its first session, page 12. [2] See Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during the second part of its first session, page 97. [3] Ibid., page 200. [4] See Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during the second part of its first session, pages 110-111.

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