National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

55. National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

The General Assembly draws the attention of the Members of the United Nations to the fact that the following purposes are of special concern, namely:

(a) That the said Members should encourage and promote the establishment and co-operation of duly authorized voluntary National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies;

(b) That at all times the independent voluntary nature of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies be respected in all circumstances, provided they are recognized by their Governments and carry on their work according to the principles of the Geneva and The Hague Conventions and in the humanitarian spirit of the Red Cross and Red Crescent;

(c) That the necessary steps be taken to ensure that in all circumstances contact may be maintained between the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of all countries, so as to enable them to carry out their humanitarian task.

Forty-ninth plenary meeting,
19 November 1946.

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