Future Status of South West Africa

65. Future Status of South West Africa

The General Assembly, Having considered the statements of the delegation of the Union of South Africa regarding the question of incorporating the mandated territory of South West Africa in the Union; Noting with satisfaction that the Union of South Africa, by presenting this matter to the United Nations, recognizes the interest and concern of the United Nations in the matter of the future status of territories now held under mandate; Recalling that the Charter of the United Nations provides in Articles 77 and 79 that the trusteeship system shall apply to territories now under mandate as may be subsequently agreed; Referring to the resolution of the General Assembly of 9 February 1946, inviting the placing of mandated territories under trusteeship; Desiring that agreement between the United Nations and the Union of South Africa may hereafter be reached regarding the future status of the mandated territory of South West Africa; Assured by the delegation of the Union of South Africa that, pending such agreement, the Union Government will continue to administer the territory as heretofore in the spirit of the principles laid down in the mandate; Considering that the African inhabitants of South West Africa have not yet secured political autonomy or reached a stage of political development enabling them to express a considered opinion which the Assembly could recognize on such an important question as incorporation of their territory: The General Assembly, therefore, Is unable to accede to the incorporation of the territory of South West Africa in the Union of South Africa; and Recommends that the mandated territory of South West Africa be placed under the international trusteeship system and invites the Government of the Union of South Africa to propose for the consideration of the General Assembly a trusteeship agreement for the aforesaid territory. Sixty-fourth plenary meeting,
14 December 1 946.

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