Reconstruction of Countries Members of the United Nations Devastated by War
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
2 February 1946
3. Reconstruction of Countries Members of the United Nations Devastated by War
1. recognizes the problem of full reconstruction of the countries belonging to Members of the United Nations which suffered substantial war damage as a grave and urgent matter which should be given very high priority among post-war problems;
2. decides to discuss generally this matter under paragraph 17 of its agenda and to transmit it, at the second part of the first session of the General Assembly, for a close examination by the Second Committee, which shall present to the General Assembly a report resulting from this examination.
3. asks the Economic and Social Council to place this subject on the agenda of its first meeting, as an urgent matter in the economic and social field, according to paragraph 10 of the provisional agenda of the first meeting of the Council, as proposed by the Preparatory Commission.
Twenty-second plenary meeting,2 February 1946.
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